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Showcase Hotel La Quinta Luna

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La Quinta Luna is situated in the oldest living city of the American Continent, Cholula, in the outskirts of Puebla, approximately 70 miles east from Mexico City. The hotel is located in the quarter of Santa María Xixitla, which is part of the city of Cholula since the prehispanic period. La Quinta Luna was found in a seventeenth century mansion, which was completely restored in 1996-1998 by the Cárdenas González de Cossío family, who still lives in it and manages the hotel.

La Quinta Luna está ubicada en el antiguo barrio de Santa María Xixitla, que data desde el período 200 a 500 d.C. El hotel está situado en una casona del siglo XVII, catalogado como monumento histórico por el INAH. Esta casona, a pesar de parecer una casa tipo colonial digna de haber sido habitada por españoles, fue específicamente construida para albergar a un miembro ilustre de la nobleza indígena : a don Juan de León y Mendoza, descendiente de tecpan, de Tenanquiáhuac.