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Showcase Associates-in-dermatology

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Associates in Dermatology deals with skin related disorders, illness, prevention and medicine. The website has videos, PDF files, text and images based content which is organized in about 400 nodes on this website. A comletely dynamic page addition and page deletion module ensures that the admin can create and edit 3 different types of complex web pages with varying layouts, image placement, dynamic content and URLs.

The admin of the website can add new products to the website with a point and click functionality and the menu reflects new page additions and any deletions which happen on the website. The URL nodes for the site have clean URLs installed and all the content is indexable in search engines.

The website has a host of custom modules developed and installed and they include a dynamic jQuery gallery module, image upload with text placement and a product slideshow. the challenge was steep but Ocular came out with flying colors to give a solution that is at par with the best in the Drupal Development industry.

Our web designers also designed a gallery for the client to upload the images of their offices, pictures of their doctors and patient treatments. Now using the Drupal user, we also created multiple logins for doctors at Associates in Dermatology to manage their products and diseases.