Drupal Showcase in: Italian
Informazioni utili sull'energia rinnovabile solare, eolica, geotermica , biomasse, idrogeno, con link alle aziende di settore.
Portale web del Comune di Rodengo Saiano, in Franciacorta (Prov. di Brescia).
Connessomagazine.it is an italian online magazine. It is my third work with drupal.
#965 Connessomagazine.it
Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Carso - Zadružna Kraška Banka
I use my site to comunicate with my students (forum; instant messaging) and to provide them any kind of information they need to study for my course.
Un sito dedicato al cazzeggio, al nonsense, all'informatica e alla musica. Non necessariamente in quest'ordine.
#470 Gtrev 2.0 Beta
We provide for our registered Citizens email, Tor Server, Organic Groups, Forums, Free Jabber (IM) accounts, ability to start their own groups, user created email campaigns, chat on jabber, upload
Born as Techincal Web Site and grown up as Personal Blog, now more a Review-only site (Books and Movies), along with some Tech Stuff and some Personal thoughts.
#262 DElyMyth - /dev/null