Drupal Showcase in: Spain

Website of Sant Climent de Llobregat, a little village near Barcelona. This site was designed by http://ateneatech.com
SortidesBTT is one BTT comunity site of Catalonia, with BTT tracks, GPS info and histories from their users
Site dedicated to #ircap.billar channel at irc.irc-hispano.org. Pool championships and tournaments using pool game on IRC script IRcap
Andalucia Web Solutions (AWS) provides intelligent, search engine friendly web design, optimisation, internet marketing consultancy, hosting, databases, content management systems, web photography
BAr musical situado en la Villa medieval de Ainsa (Huesca) en el Centro del Pirineo Aragonés. Especialidad en Cervezas nacionales e Importación. Guinness y Murphy de barril.
¿Tu chica te acusa de no ser romántico? ¿Tu chico no tiene ni idea de lo que significa "tener un detalle"?
The Rocket Festival is a three day extravaganza of music, circus and performing arts. The website is built on Drupal 5.6 in English and Spanish using i18n.
Todas las reglas del poker en español
This is a news portal based in the concept of the citizen or participatory journalism. Its written in spanish, but we think about translate it, at least to english, in a near future.
La presencia de un grupo de iglesias mozárabes, un museo de artes populares, otro de dibujo, una arquitectura tradicional relativ
Theater in Almeria
Llibrada Hotel - Pirineos (Spain)