Drupal Showcase in: Nonprofit

Drupal showcase featuring websites by non-profit organizations, NGOs, charities, communities, social movements and campaigns, awareness programs and initiatives from all over the world, in many languages.
Bikes on Show is a work in progress, converted recently after five years as a PHPBB Plus forum website.
Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit 2010. October 2-3 in Vancouver, BC - Canada
En bici al trabajo es un site realizado por ZumZum y encargado por el Bicicleta Club de Catalu
"To shoot an elephant" is an eye witness account from The Gaza Strip. The film has been screened worldwide and recognized in a lot of festivals.
Esta web forma parte de un proyecto pedagógico, integral y transversal, que tiene como objetivo fomentar el uso de la bicicleta entre los estudiantes de secundaria y los jóvenes en general para des
This site provides a faceted search interface to museum collections. It uses an adapted apachesolr module and a custom module. It also depends on an apache solr index.
Web for tourism in Ribadavia.
#5918 Ribadavia
A nice and clean website for Zeeuws Klimaatfonds. Zeeuws Klimaatfonds is an organisation for voluntary climate compensation in the local area Zeeland in The Netherlands. The site is in Dutch.
The IRF was in need of their first website, a simple project to get their members and leadership group online. Modules include Views Rotator in place of Flash for the rotating header graphics.
Portal Berita, Lingkungan, Budaya dan Hobi dari impunan Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Universitas Nasional-Jakarta (HIMPALA UNAS)
Thoor is the personal Website of Thomas Ortner. Here he shows all internet projects and tips and tricks about his favorite cms - DRUPAL!
Founded in 2007, the Foundation has made great strides in just three years. Our Mission