Drupal Showcase in: Music
This category features selection of websites based on Drupal CMS with focus on music and audio, including music, showbiz industry news, products and services, recordings, music videos and artists, concerts, online radio, podcasts and more.
Website dedicate to Drums and Drummers. Initial data load done using sparql queries against dbpedia's triplestore.
#7025 Drum Studio
Ok this one was tough. Might sound strange, but there is nothing standard in a tiki design. So absolutely everything was built from scratch including
#6960 Konakai Cocktail Bar
JACKFM is the most successful new radio programming approach in North America with its upbeat and unconventional “Playing What We Want” branding.
#6934 Jack FM
Drupal website for the NYC based Red Apples Forty-Five record label.
Heavy use of Javascript and jQuery (Tooltips, Cufon, jPlayer).
#6905 Red Apples Forty-Five
Kurieuze, le blog de toutes les tendances, art, cinéma, mode, musique,culture, insolite. Découvrez chaque jour une nouvelle curiosité.
#6898 Kurieuze
Blue Media Oy (Ltd) is a leading production company in Finnish entertainment industry.
I wanted to build a site to promote the bristol wedding band that I play in. It had to have scaleable functionality as the site grew.
Radio Blanes is a project for the online radio of the Blanes village created by Atenea tech (http://ateneatech.com).
#6591 Radio Blanes
Rendez-vous musical incontournable de l'été, la 45e édition du Festival de La Chaise-Dieu, du 18 au 30 août 2011, proposera 38 concerts autour de la musique sacrée, grand répertoire mais aussi nomb