Drupal Showcase in: Magazine

This category is a showcase of many Drupal magazine-style websites on various topics from lifestyle to technology to design.
It's the ultimate, or rather the "Ultim8," Magazine theme for Drupal.
Introducing the Best Mobile Drupal Theme -- a fully responsive Drupal theme for all devices that uses the popular Skeleton responsive framework.
The SQ: Square Metro Drupal theme was built after the WordPress version of SQ: Square Metro (you can view the WordPress version here:
Womanow.gr is one of the most famous women's portal in Greece, that addresses the needs, interests, habits and accomplishments of ambitious women with over 50.000 visits per month.
Faichi is one of the first Drupal teams in the world who have successfully built a Drupal 8 Portal using Headless Drupal technique
Oté mounoir is a collaborative webzine about Reunion island personalities from the world of entertainment, beauty, politics, sports, etc.
موقع زيتونة للطبخ يحتوي على أكثر من ألف وصفة فيديو طبخ.
Hello! I'm Helen, an English girl living in Brisbane with two small children and a larger husband.
Design Feria is all about interior and exterior design. In our website you can find fresh ideas for home decor, renovation and redecoration.
Premier et unique Magazine consacré à l'histoire de l'Algérie.
Excellent Social Integration (Comments are synchronized between facebook fan page and the web, so we show a more interactive web).
#8058 Solomoto