Drupal Showcase in: Magazine
This category is a showcase of many Drupal magazine-style websites on various topics from lifestyle to technology to design.
It's the ultimate, or rather the "Ultim8," Magazine theme for Drupal.
Introducing the Best Mobile Drupal Theme -- a fully responsive Drupal theme for all devices that uses the popular Skeleton responsive framework.
The SQ: Square Metro Drupal theme was built after the WordPress version of SQ: Square Metro (you can view the WordPress version here:
Womanow.gr is one of the most famous women's portal in Greece, that addresses the needs, interests, habits and accomplishments of ambitious women with over 50.000 visits per month.
#8688 Womannow.gr -
Faichi is one of the first Drupal teams in the world who have successfully built a Drupal 8 Portal using Headless Drupal technique
#8547 Drupal 8 Demo News Site
Oté mounoir is a collaborative webzine about Reunion island personalities from the world of entertainment, beauty, politics, sports, etc.
#8417 Oté mounoir
Hello! I'm Helen, an English girl living in Brisbane with two small children and a larger husband.
#8327 What Larks, Pip
Design Feria is all about interior and exterior design. In our website you can find fresh ideas for home decor, renovation and redecoration.
#8264 Design Feria
Excellent Social Integration (Comments are synchronized between facebook fan page and the web, so we show a more interactive web).
#8058 Solomoto