Drupal Showcase in: Education

This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
Catedra Cajamar de la Universidad de Almeria Desarrollo: Manolo Ruiz y Javier Maties
The Beehive (www.thebeehive.org) is an award-winning, multilingual Web portal that provides low-income individuals web-based tools and information about fina
Depuis le 1 janvier 2007, le Ministère de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle et le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche ont mandaté ANEFORE (Agence Nationa
The Worksheet Factory
Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Telemedicin (DSKT) is a website for a non-profit organization dealing with telemedicine in Denmark.
Biblior.net is a Romanian digital library / o bibliotecă virtuală românească.
#5135 Biblior
Classiq.net is a digital library for humanities, with a motto from Sir Francis Bacon:
#5132 Classiq
Grande Arte is a digital library for artists and art lovers, with a motto from Georges Braque:
Grande Musica is a digital library dedicated to music and music lovers, with a motto from Shakespeare:
Encyclopaedic.net is a digital library for inquisitive people, with a motto from Sir Francis Bacon:
Historion is a digital library dedicated to history books, a site for time travelers, with a motto from Cicero:
#5127 Historion
Explorion is a digital library dedicated to travel and exploration, a site for adventurers, with a motto from Fridtjof Nansen:
#5126 Explorion