Drupal Showcase in: Education
This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
This Drupal 5.x website was developed for the American Friends Service Committee, whose mission is to foster understanding and reconciliation, promote e
Where It's At NYC is a Drupal 5.x website developed for the Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies to provide young people in the NYC area with
#6240 Where It's At: NYC
Drupal 5.x website to support the International Initiative for Maternal Mortality and Human Rights, which believes that putting women's human rights at the center of the conversation will have grea
Drupal 5.x website built for The Center for Reproductive Rights by CivicActions.
News-site with main focus on telemedicine from Denmark. It also covers topics like ehealth, telehomecare as they are very closely related, and may in fact overlap each other.
L’IUT de Ville d’Avray / St Cloud et l’UFR SITEC are education centers for a wide public from DUT to master.
#6187 IUT de Ville d'Avray
In 2010, Open Magnet Charter School made the jump to Drupal in a big way, and AIP helped them do it.
EGP-UPBS TalentLink is a plataform that aims to connect EGP-UPBS students and alumni to the market. It is a tool created to support, effectively:
#6101 Talent Link
The 5th Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics (TheoBio-11) will be held in Madeira (Portugal) from June 8th to June 11th, 2010.
#6098 compbiochem
Site to promote and facilitate comprehensive choice of professionally taught flower design courses for students of all abilities.