Drupal Showcase in: Blog
This category features selection of Drupal-based blogs devoted to many themes, subjects and products, including of course all things Drupal and webdesign in general.
Caffeine And Anxiety is about developing creatively. There are many ways and reasons to express yourself and the C&A community is hear to foster all of them.
#1042 Caffeine and Anxiety
WhirledView is the personal site of Jim Robinson, a Washington, DC area web developer learning the ropes of Drupal.
#1005 WhirledView
Photography, Linux systems admin, geek rants and the like. Personal site of Network and Systems Consultant Ashley Gittins.
The Home Remodeling Center site has lots of articles and howtos about home renovations.
The site regiolog.com is part of a project to push the Nuremberg Metropolitan area towards a thriving and innovative learning region.
#896 regiolog.com
gerd-riesselmann.de is the German blog of Gerd Riesselmann, a programmer and Drupal contributor from Cologne, Germany.
#891 gerd-riesselmann.de
Benzi is the site of Icelandic Photograher and artists Kristjan Logason and Guðný Björk Guðjónsdóttir.
#888 Benzi