Showcase Muntania Outdoors

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Muntania is an online travel agency, specialised in mountain active events for small groups. Based in Spain. Travelling around the world.

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i dont like tha color

kredytypozyczki's picture
Which colour?

Which colour you don`t like? Yellow?

Anonymousjordi's picture
Which colour?

Sorry for the last comment. I was using my brand new smartphone :-(

Which colour you don't like? Yellow? Googling I found
Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness
Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
but in any case in Spain we say "Para gustos los colores". I don't know how to translate but more or less could be "Everyone to his own taste".

Sorry about that ;-)

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It works for me.....good navigation....bold

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