Drupal Showcase in: Magazine

This category is a showcase of many Drupal magazine-style websites on various topics from lifestyle to technology to design.
BaLaDO.fr : 1ère communauté des passionnés de loisirs et balades en France.
#2883 BaLaDO.fr
GreenBiz.com is the world's first and only mainstream media site focused exclusively on sustainability and the competitive edge it brings to businesses.
News su argomenti di attualità e intrattenimento; partecipa alla community e invia i tuoi contributi
Start your new Web-2.0 website today. You can be live in less then 30 minutes. If you wish to have something a little more professional or custom, please feel free to contact us for a quote.
Al Adab Magazine was established in 1953 and it's considered one of the most influential publication in the Arabic speaking literature movement.
Oggitreviso is an online daily journal that offer readers all information about the Treviso area, video, real estate and motors announcements,and other interesting services to be informed in real t
French greenit news leader. Based on a multisite installation.
#2497 Greenit
Phase2 Technology developed the Official XBox magazine for Future US.
We decided to move our front end of the spinetingler magazine from html to Drupal 6.x Seems to be working great we took a theme and heavily modified the cms to give us a similar look to the origin
This is a news portal based in the concept of the citizen or participatory journalism. Its written in spanish, but we think about translate it, at least to english, in a near future.
CreativePro is a site for creative professionals in search of information, education, inspiration, articles, tutorials and resources.
This is the beginning of the progress in engineering!